BundyPlus | Made in Australia | Aussie Maker Employee Time Clock Terminals

A reminder to celebrate our Aussie makers this Australia Day

BundyPlus is calling on consumers to support local growers and manufacturers this Australia Day by looking for the iconic green and gold kangaroo when shopping for genuine Aussie products.

Australian Made Chief Executive, Ben Lazzaro, highlighted the importance of supporting local businesses this Australia Day, especially those in regional and bushfire affected areas, to help communities bounce back in what are extremely challenging times.

"Australian - made and - grown products play an important role in our economy. It's been tough for Aussie farmers and manufacturers, particularly those in rural and regional areas affected by fire and drought," said Mr Lazzaro.

"We need to rally behind our local businesses. Every dollar spent on locally made and grown products, will have a direct impact on the livelihoods of Aussie farmers and manufacturers, as well as the wider community. We are so lucky to have access to some of the best products in the world made right here in our backyard. Shoppers should look for the Australian Made logo to be sure they're buying genuine Australian products."

Displaying the Austrian Made Logo is a great Australian success story for BundyPlus. Established in 2004, BundyPlus has grown to become a leader in the design and manufacturing of time clock terminals, cloud and desktop employee timesheet software.

"Some businesses look for a low-cost Imported time clock T&A solution, but we're finding that for far more companies reliability is a key requirement. BundyPlus has been designing and manufacturing industrial grade time clocks for many years now, and we're proud of what we do". Said Chris Kartsakalis (BundyPlus - Pre/Post Sales Support Officer)

See other Australian Makers series at www.australianmade.com.au/ausmakers.

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