BundyPlus | TeamViewer


The BundyPlus support team provides a point of contact for users to gain assistance in troubleshooting, advice on common best practices, answers to questions, and solving known problems - this can all be communicated over the phone, via email or most commonly and efficiently through TeamViewer remote support.


Uninstall instructions

You can Uninstall TeamViewer by following the steps below.

Select the “Windows” operating system type of computer you’re using.

Uninstall TeamViewer in Windows Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 10
  1. Close all Windows and tabs.
  2. Go to the Start Menu > Control Panel.
  3. Click Programs And Features.
  4. Double-Click TeamViewer.
  5. Click Uninstall from the Confirmation Dialog.
Uninstall BundyPlus in Windows XP
  1. Go to the Start Menu > Control Panel.
  2. Click Add Or Remove Programs.
  3. Double-Click TeamViewer.
  4. Click Remove.
  5. Click Uninstall from the Confirmation Dialog.
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